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Double Doors
£65.00 / set(s) *

Extra Opening Window for Shed


£35.00 / unit(s) *
Extra Fixed Shed Window
£10.00 / unit(s) *

Morticed Lock


£35.00 / unit(s) *

Convert an Existing Fixed Window to Opener


£35.00 / unit(s) *

Convert an Exxisting Door to a Stabled Door


£35.00 / unit(s) *

Add an Extra Summer House Opening Window


£45.00 *

Add an Extra Personnel Door


£45.00 *

Add an Extra Summer House Fixed Window


£35.00 / unit(s) *

Add a Partition Panel to Seperate the interior of your building


£0.00 *

Convert Standard Glass to Toughened (or Safety) Glass

PLEASE NOTE - Cost varies with the size of Summer House selected.

Please Call or Email for a quotation for your chosen footprint size


Convert Standard Glass to Toughened (or Safety) Glass


£10.00 / sheet(s) *

Convert an Existing Door to a Wide Single Door


£30.00 / unit(s) *
* Prices include VAT, plus delivery